Knihy Konkolski s.r.o.




Envelopes with stamps from all stop-over places (USA, South Africa, Australia, Brazil) signed by Philippe Jeantot and Mike Plant.

These Stop-Over Stamps Envelopes are signed by American Mike Plant, who won Class II in this BOC Challenge Race. He also competed in the first Globe Challenge - nonstop around the world race, establishing a new American record for solo circumnavigation. Mike finished his third circumnavigation in the third BOC Challenge 1990/91. Then he built a new boat for the next solo nonstop Global Challenge. During his trip to France for the start, his boat lost its keel and capsized. Mike Plant was lost in the middle of the Atlantic.

In addition, all envelopes are also signed by Frenchman Philippe Jeantot, winner of Class I of the BOC Challenge 1986/87. He also won the the first BOC Race. He organized and competed in the solo nonstop around the world race, the Globe Challenge. He is the first man to do fourth solo circumnavigations. He retired from solo global racing after his third BOC Race.

Each envelope is available for $250.00 (postage fee included).

The different stamps make possible 20 different configurations with maximum of 68 envelopes in the biggest group. The smallest group has 5 envelopes only, allowing only five complete Stop-Over Stamps Envelopes with Jeantot & Plant Signatures Sets. One of these sets goes with the Complete Paquebot Set thus only four are available for purchase. Each set contains 20 envelopes of different stamp configurations.

Each set is available for $6,500.00

As a special bonus, each set gets extra envelope, which is signed by most BOC Challenge 1986/87 finishers. This envelope is not available separately at all. Only 95 such envelopes were created and distributed strictly between competitors and race organizators.


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Copyright  Richard Konkolski 

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